New Copywriters: These 3 Tips Will Help You Succeed

new copywriters

New copywriters: If you’re looking for a way to make money on the internet by using your writing skills, then read on to find out how to land copywriting jobs.

In Episode 92 of the Marketing Matrix Podcast, Jamie Doerschuck of The Doer Co. shared how to get into the mindset to make money online, start in copywriting, and how to stand out when applying to writing gigs.


Here are some of the most notable takeaways:

Don’t Get Stuck In A Job You Hate

In the online era, Jamie believes that no one should be stuck in a job doing something they hate.

If you’re making $10 an hour or something close to minimum wage working at a fast food restaurant or as an administrative assistant, it’s possible for you to make that same amount of money doing something you love online.

Copywriting is a great example!

New Copywriters: Forget The Fancy Portfolio

As a seasoned copywriter, Jamie still only has her copywriting examples in Google Docs; she doesn’t have a fancy portfolio, and her website is currently under construction.

For each portfolio piece, she includes: 

  • a couple sentences about the project, 
  • the copy itself, and 
  • the monetary results she has achieved for clients.

Her recommendation? Don’t let the lack of portfolio or a flashy website hold you back from pitching clients.

Clients want to know that you can get them the results they desire. And even if you are a new copywriter and don’t have the results to show yet, show them that you know how to do the job, can meet deadlines, and can follow directions.

How to Pitch Copywriting Clients To Get The Job

If you’re searching for writing jobs on job boards, make sure to have a few pitch format templates that you experiment with. Don’t just have one pitch that you copy and paste and send to any posting.

If the job posting asks for specific pieces of information, answer their questions and be detail-oriented. Even if they ask your favorite color or something silly, pay attention! Otherwise, your application may be deleted without being read.

The act of following directions for these job postings is about showing respect to what the client is asking for, and showing that you’re able to listen to them.

Do work that you love and still receive a paycheck with online opportunities!

New Copywriters: These 3 Tips Will Help You Succeed

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