Free Live Training Launch: 6-Figure Launches in 6 Repeatable Steps

free live training launch

If you want to know how to implement the latest trend that’s bringing floods of cash into the pockets of entrepreneurs, then read on to finally find your way to utilize free live training launches to sell your offer.

In solo Episode 74 of the Marketing Matrix Podcast, I share the 6 steps for a successful product launch formula and several reasons on why this process works.

Here are some of the most notable takeaways:

The Trend That is Creating Massive Floods of Cash

I’ve now had multiple clients implement this trend, and they all have crazy, massive, awesome results.

The trend? The Product Launch Formula. This is where you drip out content to your audience and you indoctrinate them a little more each day and then build excitement for your offer that you’re going to share at the end for a limited amount of time.

Lately, the Product Launch Formula has been taking the form of free 5-day live challenges or workshops, ending with 6-figure launches. Here’s how to make it happen for your business!

6 Steps to a Successful Free Live Training Launch

  1. Hype up a training that has a core message that solves a core problem. The training should have specific DIY deliverables at the end, not just provide an education.
  2. Push your offer organically. Make sure the idea works before bringing in paid traffic methods.
  3. Push your offer with paid ads, and make sure both organic and paid methods are working towards the same objective. This will magnify what’s happening organically, it’ll help you reach new people, and it’ll grow your group quickly.
  4. Retarget like crazy. Push your time-sensitive offers with email, chatbots, SMS services, organic posts, and paid traffic through ads. You want to make sure the people who registered will show up to your free training.
  5. Sell your offer at the end. Offer something to take what your attendees created with DIY methods to the next level. This could be anywhere from a $297 offer all the way up to a $25,000 offer after you get your audience members on a sales call.
  6. Rinse and repeat. It takes a lot of work to get all of these systems set up, but once you’ve done it once, it becomes infinitely easier each time. You can run your cycle every 6 months, others do it twice a year, and you can even run it weekly with a smaller scale training.

5 Reasons Why This Process Works

The series of free trainings and the offer at the end appeals to every type of buyer: emotional, logical, and fear-based. It interests emotional buyers because they feel good during your training and have a connection with you by the end. Logical buyers know they’ve received a ton of value, so they’re ready to take the next step to learn even more. Fear-based buyers are worried about missing out on your incredible offer, so they dive in.

This process uses the compounding effects of both organic and paid traffic. Both methods create lift for each other. Paid traffic makes organic traffic more effective, and visa versa. Just make sure they both direct your audience to the same objective.

The free training ties into the law of reciprocation: it creates an emotional tie to your content and people will want to pay you back. They feel as if they’ve gotten so much for free, so they’re ready to pay you for what they’ve learned.

This trend may not last forever, but free live trainings are becoming popular again because people are tired of the automated webinar. The attendees are rejuvenated by the live cycle and the level of personal touch they receive.

Finally, this live training method works because it creates a high-pressure situation. With the offer presented at the end, because people feel urgency and scarcity, and they feel like they need to act. This works wonders for conversions.

Ready to make this process earn dividends for you? Jump on this live workshop trend!

Free Live Training Launch: 6-Figure Launches in 6 Repeatable Steps

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