Drive Your Dream Traffic to Your Offer More Effectively With These 4 Questions

drive your dream traffic

In my 3D Dream Traffic process, we’ve “Defined” your dream traffic. Also, we’ve “Discovered” where they hang out online. Now, if you’re ready to “Decide” how to drive your dream traffic to your offer, then read on to finally learn about the last piece!

In my solo Episode 68 of the Marketing Matrix Podcast, I shared the four specific things you need to consider when deciding how to drive traffic to your product or offering. 

Here are the four questions you need to ask yourself:

1. What Type of Traffic Are You Going to Drive: Paid or Organic?

It’s crucial to prove your system organically before you begin to use paid traffic, otherwise you could end up wasting a lot of money by trying to learn about your audience through paid ads. If you have the time and ability to understand how people will pay for your offer organically, then take the time to:

  • Create the offer
  • Get it in front of people
  • See how they respond

Depending on the channel you use, the point is to get your content in front of people and see how they interact with and respond to it. With Facebook, you have Facebook Live, Stories, posts, Groups, and Pages. With LinkedIn, articles and short informational videos are really powerful. Share your content with your email list. And if you decide to go with Instagram, keep in mind that IG users are all about lifestyle. Take note of the response you receive!

Remember: paid traffic is simply a way to automate an already winning organic strategy.

2. What is The Offer You’re Driving Your Dream Traffic To?

When you create an offer for your audience, you have to strike a balance between what they need versus what they want. Usually these are two separate things, so you must consider both.

You have to sell them what they want and then give them what they need

Focus on what they want, and you provide them with a clear result and a transformation so it appeals to their gut, and so they don’t get too obsessed with the mechanics of your offer.

Find out what they want by simply asking. Draw out this information from them online. You might be shocked by their answers!

Ultimately, you have to deliver what they’re asking for, or else they aren’t going to be interested in what you have to offer (which is what you know they need).

3. What Offer Model Are You Using?

What model are you going to use to deliver your offer? These can take many forms, such as:

  • A webinar
  • An application for a sales call
  • A long form sales page
  • A live challenge
  • A course
  • Etc

Choosing the right model for your audience is important. In order to do so, you have to know your numbers.

How? By running tests and analyzing the results from your case studies.

Yes, it takes time to build out these various models and their selling system, but it’s crucial to understand which model is going to work best for you. This ties in with the last question below.

4. How Much Do You Know About Your Audience?

If you know a lot about your customer base, then your system can be more automated. You already speak their language and understand them as if you’re in their brain. This means you could bring in someone through a Facebook ad, have them watch a webinar, send them to an order form, and then have them purchase immediately.

But—if you don’t know a lot about them, you want to make the experience as personalized as possible. You want to pay attention when you’re presenting the content so you’ll see how they will respond. By doing so, you’ll find answers to these questions:

  • What do they like and dislike?
  • What was awesome to them vs. what was unclear?
  • Is there something they want to purchase?
  • What’s their threshold for spending money?
  • How much do they believe in themselves?
  • How long have they been in business?

You can get a ton of information from your audience with less automated strategies like live webinars and sales calls.

Explore these 4 questions, and then you’re ready to decide how you’re going to drive your dream traffic to your offer!

Drive Your Dream Traffic to Your Offer More Effectively With These 4 Questions

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