Differentiators for Dream Traffic Archetypes

differentiators for dream traffic

Knowing the key differentiators for dream traffic archetypes will help you get into the mind of your dream customers so you can sell your product or service without hitting objections.

In Episode 48 of the Marketing Matrix Podcast, Lisanne goes solo to talk about selling successfully to your customer archetypes in the last episode of her 6-part series about dream traffic.

Here are some of the most notable takeaways:

You Are Selling to Multiple Customer Archetypes

First, we must understand that we are selling to different customer segments, and not just one dream customer. Usually, whenever people talk about figuring out your dream customer, they think of ONE ideal client avatar. But there are struggles with this approach for many reasons!

To your core, you may understand that your product or service is valuable to more than one type of customer. It’s not natural for us to want to categorize and block people into one description of one customer. You can finally release yourself from this pigeonhole!

Instead, ask yourself this question: if you had to create major buckets to place your customers in, what buckets would you create? The differentiators for dream traffic below will help you create those buckets.

These Are The 4 Differentiators for Dream Traffic that Make Your Customer Buckets

Do you know exactly who you’re talking to when you’re selling your product or service? Now that you know you’re not selling to one ideal client, let’s dive into the framework for defining your customer archetypes.

The big differentiators for dream traffic (or separators for your customers) are:

  1. Age
  2. Experience
  3. Awareness
  4. Level of DIY

How do these differentiators for dream traffic play into your customer archetypes? For example, a client of mine who helps gym owners scale their business was able to distill his customers into three main buckets.

  1. Older, more experienced gym owners who are hands off with their process for growth and aren’t as technologically savvy.
  2. Prideful, younger gym owners who believe in the hustle and doing it themselves.
  3. The gym owners who are just desperate to have their business survive.

It’s clear that these three groups of people have different needs. Therefore, different messages are going to resonate with these groups.

Don’t Try to Market to Everybody At Once

Once you figure out your archetypes, don’t try to blend them together and market to multiple groups at once. If you do that, it’s like muddying the water and it makes it more challenging for the customer to make the right decision to buy. Without clarity, there’s confusion, which leads people to walk away from your offer.

Market to one group at a time. Don’t try to reach everybody at once. 

It’s important to choose which group of your customer archetypes is going to produce the most results for your business, and start there. Which group has the greatest pain and resonates with your message and what you’re trying to do the most?

You’ll find the greatest success by building systems for each of your customer archetype groups using your differentiators for dream traffic, because their needs are entirely different.

Differentiators for Dream Traffic Archetypes

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